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A Word of Caution

Welcome to the realm of the Unseelie Court. Feel free to wander and browse, but know that the content you will find here is not for the faint of heart. The visions portrayed are often darkly erotic, even disturbing, and should be traversed only by those with the appropriate character and mental age.

You have been warned.

Uploaded chapters 45-52.

By the Goddess, I actually finished it… This update is a bit of a milestone for me. The Tales From the Fae is a project I started more than a decade ago, and it has occupied a massive amount of my creative thought time over the years. This part in particular, has been on my mind nearly every single day since I began it, and has undergone many twists and turns that surprised even me. At over 181,000 words, it literally qualifies as a medium sized novel, a fact I find also surprising since the whole thing feels very short in my mind. Perhaps it’s simply because I have been living in that world with my characters for so long. I hope you all have enjoyed this story as much as I have, and don’t worry, there is much much more to come. The Academy of Dana comprises what is officially known to me as ‘Book One’ of four. Oh my… I have so much to write.