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A Word of Caution

Welcome to the realm of the Unseelie Court. Feel free to wander and browse, but know that the content you will find here is not for the faint of heart. The visions portrayed are often darkly erotic, even disturbing, and should be traversed only by those with the appropriate character and mental age.

You have been warned.

Uploaded final chapters 20 and 21.

And another one goes into the “finished” column. I had a lot of fun writing this story since it let me wander into an area I was reluctant to breach, that being the whole world of ‘demons’ and other spiritual ‘magic’. I have to admit that it was a stretch for me, and something I might not have attempted if not for the little bit ‘o truth. I’m speaking of course, about the text from the literal Book of Enoch. In case you were wondering, that book, and that text, are real. There really is a numerical discrepancy in the number of names mentioned.

I hope you have enjoyed the story as much as I have. Obviously, I left the ending open for a sequel, though it would be something of an entirely different flavor as this work. We’ll see. For now, I have too many other stories that are demanding my attention. Onward!