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A Word of Caution

Welcome to the realm of the Unseelie Court. Feel free to wander and browse, but know that the content you will find here is not for the faint of heart. The visions portrayed are often darkly erotic, even disturbing, and should be traversed only by those with the appropriate character and mental age.

You have been warned.

  • Updated Links section -

    Just some additions and pruning in the “Links” section.

  • New Short – Flayer -

    Another Sunday Afternoon Quickie. Most people who have ever played D&D will remember a certain notorious bad guy called a Mind Flayer. The original Monster Manual had a wonderful drawing of this baddie, which was later brought to bare against the fated Drow. Somehow, it became a legend in certain erotic art communities, and has been redrawn and expanded many times to be a sexual predator as well as having a taste for grey matter. For some reason he always turned me on, and I have done at least one other (bad) story and some art. This is a slightly different take on the Cthulhu-like beastie, and illustrates why seduction and innocence are rarely what we think they are.

  • New Short – The Forest of Murgos -

    I view a lot of tenti-art. And there’s a surprising amount out there. Most of it is pretty much the same – there are only so many different ways to do the nasty with amorous cephalopods (or variations thereof). But sometimes you encounter a work of art that so tickles your fancy, that you just think it deserves more attention within the community. Sometimes it’s the style or quality of the art itself. Occasionally it’s the creative nature of the piece. Very rarely, it’s a combination of a number of factors that come together in a perfect storm of squiggly goodness. I recently found one of those works from an old voice in the community. Some of you may remember bobbydando. Those of you that do, may remember their art. bobbydando is still out there, posting under the name of Eldrik Aethervial. I found one of their works on a random tenti site I visit, and after a bit of sleuthing, traced it back to their tumblr ( I was so tickled with this particular work, that I decided it needed text to go with it. The image itself wrote the plot, I just filled in the blanks. I randomly titled it, The Forests of Murgos. And you really should go see what they are doing over on the tumblr. Great stuff. You can find the image that inspired me so, here.

  • New Art: Lara Croft – Webbed Again -

    Lara Croft - Webbed Again

    Lara getting wrapped up in her work again. Can’t seem to get her out of my head lately, but I had a little time and this happened. Bad-end Lara and frisky spider. Been done before, so I didn’t want to put too much into it. No tale to go with it. Sorry. I’m saving my writing time for other more important works.

  • New Short – Sela’s Silk -

    Quickie scene to play with some ideas for one of the longer works. Enjoy! [R][Webs]

  • Holiday Fun -

    Just a little something for the holidays…

  • Holy shit! Type Four is a podcast! -

    When the amazing Nobilis Reed contacted me and asked if he could have one of my stories read for his Nobilis Erotica Podcast, I have to admit that the idea scared me out of my mind. I tend to read my works out loud to myself (something I learned way back in a high school creative writing class), but there is a HUGE difference between hearing your own ‘voices’, and those used by a stranger. As writers, we already know the subtle inflections that our characters use, their quirks of speech. Getting those quirks to the page so they can be understood by another reader is what good storytelling is all about. SO, when I heard R.Taylor (DDog) voicing my characters for the first time, I was understandably nervous. Verbal renditions are the litmus of success or failure for an author. They did wonderfully, even changing their voice for the different characters and genders, and I am always amazed how good readers can keep up a consistent tone and style even throughout a longer piece.

    You can listen to the podcast yourself, right here!

    The podcast is is produced by Nobilis Reed. Check out his website, (link: which is a wonderful journey in audio erotica, and an inspiration for erotica writers, to be sure.

    The work is read by R. Taylor (DDog), who has their own site (Trans(re)lating) (link: with a great personal blog on transgender issues.

    There’s even some background music to set the mood – by Kevin MacLeod. (link:

    Many many thanks Nobilis and DDog and Kevin for the time and opportunity to hear one of my own works read out loud. By the Goddess, what a trip!

  • New Art: Lara Croft – Happy Endings -

    Lara Croft - Happy Endings

    Cover mockup for another rather sticky situation Miss Croft has gotten herself into. As was pointed out in a pre-release posting to the discussion group, this one is a ‘blend’ of CGI and traditional art. This was partially to save time, and partially (okay mostly) because I don’t stand a chance in hell of doing a predominately green work on my own. Yeah, color blindness sucks. I suppose it kinda worked. No matter, it was fun to do. – M

  • Blattella Lophiidae -

    Classic Marjorie… I start with a simple idea and end up with three drawings and a 7500 word story. I have to admit, this one hit my squick-limit a few times, though by the end I was used to it. I don’t always get this grim (do I? Maybe I do…) but Lara Croft has a tendency to put herself in some pretty damn grim situations, so it just. sorta. happens. I guess that’s what the reset button is for.

    What really hit the gross-out limit for me was the fact that I was dealing with a few *actual* cockroaches (big ones!) while writing this. In fact, I started writing BEFORE I saw the first roach and it freaked the hell out of me. No, I don’t have an infestation or a disgusting home. I’m a slob, but a healthy slob, if that makes any sense. I took biology courses in college. I KNOW what happens to food that you leave out. No thanks. My kitchen is the cleanest room in my house. Seriously.

    Anyway, Poor Lara is once again put through the ringer. What can I say? She’s my sexual punching bag. My go-to girl for the slick and slimy. My tentacular test-dummy. Of note: I pulled “Lara” characteristics from more than one version of Miss Croft, so please don’t write me and complain that she’s using the wrong pistols or that her hair should be unbraided with that shirt style. This is *my* version of Lara. You can go draw your own. Kinda gives new meaning to the term “copyright violation,” doesn’t it.

    Sorry, no color this time. I actually have FOUR separate projects I’m bouncing between right now, so there should be more updates coming soon.

  • Tales From the Fae: Unseelie Summer -

    Added chapter 5 and 6

    “Book” two in the Academy series.